
(Under the Moonlight / 月下見)
We are pleased to announce the exhibition “Under the Moonlight” at two venues in Takaoka City (Toyama Prefecture) and Nishiawakura Village (Okayama Prefecture). ———————————————————————
“月の下で待ち合わせ”(Under the Moonlight / 月下見)は、現代作家の具志堅詩織、ユーリ・ライ、企画・構成を担当する古川優月によって立ち上げられた旅行型移動式展示ユニットです。
“Under the Moonlight” is a traveling movable exhibition unit co-founded by contemporary artists Shiori Gushiken, Yu-Li Lai and art director Yuzuki Furukawa. We met in Taipei in 2023. One of the stories we shared is that three of us all have our own experiences living in many different places, we are constantly on the move, and at the same time we have a strong passion for art. This exhibition is our first project and will travel to Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture and Nishiagakura Village, Okayama Prefecture. We’re also looking forward to seeing what kind of work will come out of these three people who still live in different places coming together and exhibit while traveling.
会場① 高岡市土蔵造りのまち資料館 〒933-0914 富山県高岡市小馬出町26
Schedule : 2024/8/3(土)-11(日)
観覧料 高校生以上 300円
会場② 安全第一公園 〒707-0504 岡山県英田郡西粟倉村長尾2114-1
Schedule : 2024/8/16(金)-17(土)
8/16(金) 13:00-18:00
18:00-21:00 reception party ※reception partyにご参加の方はシェアできる食べ物をお持ちください。
8/17(土) 11:00-17:00
作家: 具志堅 詩織 / Shiori Gushiken / ぐしけん しおり
instagram: shiori_gusiken
Born in 1998 in Okinawa. Lives and works in Nishiawakura. Graduated from Tohoku University of Art & Design with a master’s degree in painting. Shiori Gushiken uses original characters to express the “complexes” that arise from the gap between the ideal image of oneself and reality that everyone feels in modern society.The seemingly cute characters have a somewhat poisonous sense of humor and portray the stories of girls with complexes who study “cute” on a daily basis from various angles. 賴 聿莉 / Yu-Li Lai / ユーリ ライ
instagram: yulilaiisyuli
アナログカメラと共に旅をし、世界を観察する中で作品をつくりだすユーリ ライ。主に月や海、鳥など自然の中にある題材を絵画的に抽象化することで精神世界の表現と現実世界の拡張を試みる。彼女にとっては作品の制作そのものが人生の意味を探る方法のひとつであり、またそれらの試行の記録装置としても機能する。
Born in 1998, Taiwan. Lives and works in the Netherlands. Currently studying Bachelor Fine Art in HKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht) since 2022. In her work, Yu-Li focuses on spirituality, as a record of research meaning of life. By observing the world, traveling with an analog camera becomes her tool. The moon and sea often appear in her work as a symbol of the universe’s guidance. In her philosophical practice, which is inspired by nature, as the color blue is often being used. Birds represent freedom, inspired by her favorite book Johnathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach.
古川 優月 / Yuzuki Furukawa / ふるかわ ゆづき
instagram: yuzukifurukawa
大学在学中より様々なデザイン、まちづくりのプロジェクトに参加し、プロジェクトマネージメントの分野を志す。大学院在籍時のチェコ・プラハへの留学、アート系NPOでの勤務を経て現在都内のギャラリーに勤務。2023年より「旅するギャラリー”ONE TRUNK gallery“」の活動を始める。
Born in Tokyo in 1990. Graduated from the Graduate School of Art and Design, University of Toyama with a Master’s degree. In her bachelors degree, she participated in various design and urban development projects, and aspired to work in the field of project management.After studying abroad in Prague, Czech Republic while in graduate school and working for the Non-profit organization which related to art, she currently works for a gallery in Tokyo.From 2023, she started “ONE TRUNK gallery,” a traveling gallery