We are launching an Artist in Residence program.
明治33年 (1900年) の大火後に建てられたこの町家に遺された技術、当時の美の概念、山町の人々の幅広い文化活動には感嘆するばかりです。一方、私たちの生活様式は変わりつつあり、また異なる文化的背景を持つ人々が訪れるようになる中で、誰でもこの場所と感情を共有できる=つながる方法の必要性を感じました。
The Takaoka Dozo-zukuri Museum, located in the Yamacho district in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, is one of the cultural resources showcasing the city’s traditional architecture. Designated as a cultural asset by Takaoka City, this museum offers insights into the construction techniques, architectural use of space from the Meiji era to the present, and the local community’s cultural practices. Built after the Great Fire of 1900, this Machiya preserves architectural techniques, beauty concepts of the time, and a remarkable range of cultural activities among Yamacho residents. As our lifestyles evolve and people from diverse cultural backgrounds visit, we need ways to connect everyone to this place and its emotions.
One approach we’ve chosen is through an Artist in Residence program. By inviting artists from both near and far, we aim for them to integrate the town of Yamacho into their thoughts and philosophies, visualizing and sharing it through art. These diverse encounters through art are intended to create emotional connections between visitors and the museum, potentially generating new value within this place.
[Additional Note] While preparing for this program, the Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred on New Year’s Day of 2024. We pray for those who lost their lives and extend heartfelt condolences to everyone affected. Many are still facing challenges in the affected areas, and we hope they receive swift assistance and find comfort soon.
Considering this situation, we debated whether to proceed with the program. However, we realize the importance of not taking normalcy for granted, so we’ve decided to move forward with what we can do now. In addition to the planned program, artists participating will collaborate on a charity sale of their artworks. A portion or all proceeds (depending on the items) will be donated to the affected areas. To ensure donations go where they’re most needed, we’ll consult with individuals active in Noto with whom we have connections.
Designated cultural property of Takaoka city
Takaoka Dozo-zukuri Museum
The house was built in 1903. The former owner of the house, the Murosaki family, was a merchant family that engaged in the wholesale business of cotton thread and cloth.
You can see inside of the main house and walk through the original “Tori-doma” (An earthen floor connecting the entrance and the backyard), which leads you to their storehouse.
Artists 参加作家

Town Musicians (of Bremen)
270×190×110cm ダンボールに木工用ボンド、アクリル絵の具
cardboard, glue, acrylic paint

グアリノ アキ Aki Guarino
Born in Uozu City, Toyama Prefecture, she studied art at a school in France and created artworks across Europe before returning to Toyama Prefecture in 2019.
Since 2021, she has been developing three-dimensional cardboard sculptures that explore and challenge concepts and notions through fairy tale motifs.

65×68×8㎝ oil on canvas

大西 由莉 Yuri Onishi
Born in Aichi Prefecture.
In 2008, she completed a master’s degree in oil painting at Musashino Art University Graduate School of Art and Design.
By leaving space on the canvas, he creates works that incorporate into paintings phenomena such as atoms, elementary particles, and other substances that actually exist in space and move freely around, as well as the reflection of light.

wood. color. etc.

翁 素曼 Suman Weng
Born in Guangdong, China.
In 2022, she completed the master’s program at Tokyo Zokei University and proceeded to the doctoral program.
She works mainly with wood as a material, working directly with the material without creating a sketch and creating works with people and animals as motifs. She is currently active mainly in Japan and Taiwan.

志村 文也 Fumiya Shimura
Born in Machida City, Tokyo.
A third-year student in the architecture course at the School of Art and Design, University of Toyama.
While studying mainly media arts, he works on interactive art and installations, exploring unique ways of expression.
Schedule スケジュール
2024.1.13 Sat. 〜 21 Sun.
–公開制作/Open Studio: 2024.1.13 Sat.〜 19 Fri. ※2024.1.16(火)は休館日です。制作を見学できるほか、資料館内の様々な場所で各参加作家の作品展示もご鑑賞いただけます。Closed on 2024.1.16 Tue. In addition to observing the production, you can also see some of the works of each participating artist at various locations within the museum.
–作品展示/ Exhibition: 2024.1.20 Sat. 〜 21 Sun. 滞在中に制作した作品を加えて展示します。We will exhibit works created during the residency.
【開館時間/Open hours】9:00〜16:30
Events イベント
2024.1.13(土) 11:00〜
Artist introduction & concept presentation
A presentation introducing the participating artists will be held. Artists will also share their plans for the artworks they intend to create during their stay. Come and meet the creators!
2024.1.20(土) 11:00〜
Artist’s talk
また20日、21日は「山町筋 天神様まつり」も開催されます。当館でも天神様の展示を行います。
The artists themselves will explain their work. Join us for the opportunity to view the artworks and hear firsthand about their creation process. Additionally, the “Yamachosuji Tenjin Festival” will take place on the 20th and 21st. We will exhibit the Tenjin at our museum.
2024.1.13(土) 〜 21(日)
そんな建物を守る竜を縁起の良い「昇り竜」としてグアリノ・アキさんが制作します。陽の気が動いて万物が振動するので、活力旺盛になって大きく成長し、形が整う年と言われている辰年の新年は、まさに万物が振動する瞬間を体感しました。天に昇る竜に、聖域を守る結界としての役目がある三角形、「無病息災」「魔除け・厄除け」の鱗紋(うろこもん)を各々の想いを込めて貼り合わせることで、創り上げる作品です。 参加型アートとして、お好きな色の三角形のマスキングテープに願いを込めて、ご自由に竜の背中に貼ってください。 また、竜という神話の生き物を思い思いの形で描いたシールを壁面に貼ってみましょう。

2024.1.20(土) 10:00〜15:00
Workshop for KIDS「走る新幹線」【有料】

Admission fee 観覧料
-高校生以上/Aged 16 or over: 300円
-20人以上の団体または65歳以上の高齢者/Aged 65 or over, A group of 20 or more people: 240円
-中学生以下(小学生・中学生・特別支援学校の児童・生徒)/Aged 15 or younger: 無料 Free
Admission is free for visitors with disabilities (with valid disability certificates) and for an accompanying caregiver.
2024.1.20(土) 〜 21(日) は、山町筋「天神様祭り」が開催されるため、無料開放致します。
主催 Sponsored by/株式会社はんぶんこ Han Bun Ko